Aventura Biblica / Bible Adventure

Spanish Missions V.B.S. | by Tanya Roberts


Bible Adventure / Aventura Biblica is a four-day program for kids with Spanish language emphasis--good for missions and other applications. 

This is a low-tech Vacation Bible School or kids’ day camp program that can be used outdoors as needed. The optimal schedule is formatted for 2.5 hours with 20-minute rotations. This program can be facilitated by 10-20 people including Registration Leader, Music Leader, Bible Teacher, Puppeteers, Game Leader, Craft Leader, Nourish Leader (snack and memory verse) and Trek Guides (1-2 for each group).

The music and puppet skits are in Spanish, but the lessons are in English so that a translator can be used. If you have Hispanic churches that want the lessons translated in Spanish as well, please let me know and I am happy to do that. 

My prayer for this program is for children to come to know our Savior. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about using the curriculum. 

Click to get the V.B.S. Program
Click to get the Spanish Skits
Click to get the English Skits

In His Love,
Tanya Roberts

BIO: I grew up as an missionary kid in various cities in Mexico including Saltillo, Coahuila, Guadalajara, San Luis Potosí, and Uruapan, Michoacán. I have personally directed vacation Bible school programs for 18 years as children’s ministry director and on mission trips with various churches in Texas. 

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