Finding True North

SAMPLE: Children's Sermon Bible Talk

  Bible lesson using a compass

You will need a Bible and a compass, (optional toy compasses).

Focus: God's Guidance – Psalm 25:1-12, Psalm 119:104-105, John 14:6

(Requires two people.)

Person 1: (Greet children.)

Person 2: (Comes in from the back or side of the church looking lost, and trying to determine which direction is "North.")

Person 1: What are you doing? It’s time to tell the kids about God.

Person 2: I know. But I’m trying to figure out which way is north. Is it this way (points one way) or this way (points another), or this or that way? (turns again, and again.)

Person 1: What does it matter? 

Person 2: Because, if I knew which way was "true North," then I’d be able to stay on track, and never get lost!

Person 1: Well, I've got a surprise for you! Right here in my bag I just happen to have a compass! 

(Remove compass and show it to kids.)

Person 1: The arrow on a compass is magnetic. It interacts with the earth's magnetic force to always point north. People who are lost will often trust a compass to help them find their way home.

Person 2: Let me try! 

(Shows kids the compass and then determines "true north.") 

Oh, this is so cool! I know that I live "south of the church." By looking at this compass, I can trust that if I go the opposite direction of the arrow, "south," I can be certain to find my way home. 

Person 1: Well, that's true. However, I really hope you don't need a compass to find your way home! Anyway, what I wanted to tell the kids today is that the compass can teach us something about God's Word.

Person 2: Really? How so?

Person 1: (Removes Bible from Bag and reads . . . ) End of sample.

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