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Issue #11 - March 18, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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the page to view articles.
1) Easter Sunday
2) Palm Leaf Cross
3) Rebirth Lessons?
4) Expelled: No Intelligence
participation makes SSTN a success!
5) Goals for Sunday School
6) Godspell
7) Eggs at Easter
8) Easter Eggs
9) Spring Cleaning Theme
10) Easter: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits
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1) Easter Sunday Mission
Hello Sarah!
Thanks for continuing SSTN. I have found it helpful many times. I just
wanted to submit an idea, so here goes:
Our Sunday School's mission for Easter Sunday is going to be raising
25.00 for world vision international to purchase 2 baby chicks for a
needy family. God gave me this idea because I was at a store looking at
all the bunnies and chicks and eggs. So this is His good idea of using
Easter chicks to do His good works.
--from SSTN: thank you for your great idea!
2) Palm Leaf Cross
Hi, I just want to say thank you for the instructions on how to make the palm leaf cross.
It was so easy. My little cross is now a very important symbol to me.
Not only does it remind me of my Lord and Savior but it reminds me that, the same way I made that little cross,
God made me.
Again, thanks.
Maribel Diaz
--from SSTN: for anyone else who is interested, you can find the palm cross
3) Rebirth Lessons?
Hi, we have Children's church for our children aged 3-12 during regular service.
We rotate teachers, each Sunday has an assigned teacher, I teach on the 4th Sundays.
Currently, what is being taught, comes from what ever the teacher for that Sunday wants to cover. In a recent meeting we had, it was decided that we need to be on the same page and teach the same topic/theme per month. I am now responsible for creating lesson plans for April, May and June and need some help. One of the teachers would like to cover 'Rebirth' throughout the month of April. Can you please guide me on this quest, any information would be helpful.
There are two classes: 1) 3-6 and 2) 7-12 and the lesson must all have the theme for 4 sundays, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday-we don't have Children's Church on any 5th Sundays.
Thanks. You may contact me at tsamuel@lcsd.k12.sc.us
4) Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
Readers, this is about a half-hour interview of Ben Stein, the host of the new movie "Expelled : No Intelligence Allowed" which is coming to theatres on April 18th. It is very astute. Watch the whole thing if you're interested. I cannot tell you how important this movie is going to be, "for the tearing down of strongholds" of the current power structure of the Darwinist-believers on our college campuses!
Yours in the great Creator & Savior. Dr J
Points of Origin - Creation Science
5) Goals for Sunday School
> How (do I) set up Sunday school and get children to come
I am hoping members of your church have children who would attend - talk with the parents -let them know what
you are planning (such as teaching Salvation, Bible Stories, Songs, maybe crafts or games & activities) each
week - decide what age levels would attend (pre K to K, Grades 1-5, Jr. High and/or Sr. High) include curriculum
if this applies (or make your own lessons - there are lots and lots of good ideas)......
If you want to become an outreach with your Sunday School, then pass out flyers advertising it in the church
neighborhood, or buy a list of names & addresses and send mailers out.....word of mouth may help you to receive
some children.....
You could even plan some kind of "event" to be a kick-off - an ice cream sundae party with games and a video, etc.
I hope these ideas help....your question was so vague as to "goals for Sunday School" I wasn't sure if you
wanted ideas on setting one up, or a list of goals to work toward for your Sunday School.
Whichever you decide, your plans must be backed up and preceded by prayer....so, I guess my first
suggestion would be to get some prayer partners, talk with them and then PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY.
Love in Christ,
Nancy (NFlohr5948@verizon.net)
6) Godspell
I have produced the musical Godspell twice and been in it once and saw the
original Broadway cast perform it numerous times. What a great way to share
the gospel! It is mostly scriptural sound and most of the script follows
the Word word for word. I have found the play to be more accurate than
the film. The Tower of Babble, parable of the sower, beatitudes,
crucifixion and resurrection are very teachable moments. Maybe you could have
your kids choose their favorite segment of the film and recreate the story or
parable using their own ideas. Have them explain why they interpreted that
section like they did. Have them relate a parable told in the movie to their
own life. What role do they play? If Jesus had come for the first time to 21st
century your town, what we He look like? How would He tell these parables? How
would He relate to the Pharisees in your town? Talk about how Jesus meets us
where we are. Have them learn Day by Day and sing and sign it for your
congregation. It is really pretty when it is signed.
Blessings on your efforts with this!
Serving Him in WV,
7) Eggs
at Easter
My understanding of why eggs are important at Easter, is because, they symbolize the stone that was put in front of the tomb. I have been a Christian for 9 years and 6 of those I was a ministers wife and Sunday School. I have never heard or been told any other reason for the eggs at Easter. I can't believe for one minute that an egg could be an enemy of God. We as people sin and go against God, but I don't believe for one minute that a chicken or an egg would ever be an enemy of God. Don't get me wrong, as Christians we don't all see and hear the same as each other, so maybe we need to agree to disagree on this one.
--from SSTN: eggs or chickens are not enemies of God. Please reread the last
SSTN's comment on this and make sure you read the info from the link which was
provided for background on the comment.
8) Easter Eggs
Thanks for your comments on the Easter eggs. In fact, a lot of our Christian symbols can be traced to pagan origin, but, Praise God! God is able to use people and things to God's glory and
honor. Eggs were created by God and are the perfect symbol for new life. The colored
dyes remind us of how joyful and colorful new life in Christ really is.
9) Spring Cleaning Theme
> this month, I want to do a lesson on spring cleaning (cleaning up our hearts, minds, environments, etc). I
> thought of a few cleaning products to use in the object lesson. Shout (laundry detergent), Joy (dishwashing soap),
> Pledge, etc. I wondered if any of you can help me think of some others.
We just completed a lesson about “Jesus being the best cleaner”. We bought Ivory soup and then designed a label to wrap around the soap that the kids could color and then tape to the soap and take home. This reminded them that Jesus, and only Jesus can clean our lives.
10) Easter: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits
On the following page, in the Easter Talks section, you'll find a wonderful
explanation of three of God's major feasts and how they relate to Easter: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/sermons.html
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