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need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #12 - April 7, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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1) Parable of the Ten
2) Teaching Syllabus?
3) Missing Prayer Requests?
4) Bible Verse in Eggs?
5) Women's Group
6) Palm Frond Cross?
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1) Parable of the Ten Virgins?
I would like to have the skit about the parable of ten
virgins. Kindly send it so that I can practise with my sunday school children for our Annual Day Sunday School Programme. Thank you for your help.
Latha Jones
--from SSTN: we don't have a skit on this, but you might try the search box,
above, for other ideas.
2) Teaching Syllabus?
please i find it difficult in techin my kids because i dont have a syllabus .Can you please help me get on because it makes the work very hard when you teach them without syllabus
my address is
c/o Mr. Richard Ofoli Anum
University of Ghana
P.O.Box LG 83
Legon Accra
SSTN: I encourage you to check into our Bible-4-Life curriculum. There are
many great Bible topics to choose from: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/Bible-4-life.html
I see that you're from Ghana, so you might be interested in our downloadable
resources too:
3) Missing Prayer Requests?
I can only read 17 of the 90 prayer requests on the board...is there a link to older posts that I am missing?
--from SSTN: Hi Tanya,
90 is the total of all prayers offered in the past. 17 is the number of current prayers. They expire according to the designation of the people who post them.
Thank you for your faithfulness in praying! For anyone else wanting to participate
in this prayer ministry, scroll down to the prayer board link, below.
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
4) Bible Verse in Eggs?
a few [weeks] ago someone said they took plastic Easter eggs with a piece of paper in it with a bible verse on it a piece of candy and
[gave] it to the people in the neighborhood. I was wondering what bible verse they used.
thanks wanda
--from SSTN: there are many you
could use, here are two suggestions:
Jesus said..."I am the resurrection
and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25-26
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the
world through him." John 3:16-17
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
5) Women's Group
I have this suggestion for the church women group mentioned in issue #11.
How about church women getting together with the vision of being deliverers, judges,
workers in the ministry of reconciliation?
They could talk about what that might be like and how it might be done and then ask
the pastor if it's a good idea and if it should be done.
A deliverer like Deborah in the book of Judges was one who people could go to for any
matter among them if there was any oppression. A deliverer could hear the matters at hand to see what is right, giving diligence to
search out a matter to see if indeed it is so, not judging by what they hear but what is true and honest and what can be verified.
She could go with anyone who had a matter with another who has gone to that one first
but have not been heard. Such a one could state their case, the thing that causes any
present distress. If that one is willing to forgive and to repent of their sins as they become
known to them, then with mercy as their companion, the holy spirit as their guide, and Jesus as their judge (deliverer) they can go together, not
preferring one person over another, nor using condemnation, pride, jealousy, lust, envy,
covetousness, unrighteous judgment, faultfinding, etc. (nor being willing to be used by them, but willing rather to be used by the Lord)
They could judge actions and ask "Is such a thing right?" and upon finding it to be wrong,
the plea can be made, "Please have mercy." This could be done without any judgment of
the flesh if they truly desire to pursue patience, mercy, discretion, righteousness, self
control, honesty, etc.
The goal is to relieve any PRESENT Distress, and reconcile by the message of the cross
of Jesus. Once a sin or fault has been repented of and the one asks for forgiveness, then
it is illegal to use that fault or sin against that one as it is now under the blood of Jesus
where it can no longer be seen, unless it should ever show itself again, but for now it becomes lost in a sea of forgetfulness where it has no authority anymore, because it is
past and though God was once with them there in it but not of it, he is now in the present
and moving with them into their future with him.
If people have trouble with their past and can't seem to see past it, the "Deborah" or deliverer may speak of the
future. For example:
In the future church there will not be any darkness. The light of God will be for all to see
and we will enjoy his glory in Christ Jesus. In the future your relationship with Christ as your light will be much brighter than today. In the future your pains will be gone, your faith
will be stronger, and your knowledge of God more secure...etc.
These women could go with their husbands to minister once they have the same vision
for ministry. Once the present distress has been handled, there will be relief and reconciliation should follow, the path should shine ahead and become more clear, and they in turn can learn to do the same for others, ministering as they have been ministered
to, giving praise to God along the way, for it is he who gives us all that we need to overcome by Jesus Christ.
6) Palm Frond Cross?
I have a copy of a publication, I believe it was in the Naples (Florida) Daily News, on how to make a Cross from a Palm
frond. My article is old and tattered. Is there a place I can go on the internet and find a better copy to show our 6th grade class, here at
St. Leo's Catholic Church in Bonita Springs, how to make a beautiful cross out of the palm
--from SSTN: Hi Barbara,
There sure is. You'll find the link on the following page:
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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