Children's Ministry Resources


Newsletter Issue #19  --  August 23, 2017 


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Lesson Plans

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& Holy Days





Mission Statement: brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our Bible lesson plans and activities are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.  


1) Prayer and Model Boats

We had a great time this past Saturday making our balloon-powered boats. We did this to emphasize the purpose of a “model,” that a model is a replica or representation of something, in this case, a boat. Likewise, The Lord’s Prayer is a model or an example that represents how we are to pray. And like our model boat that had many parts, The Lord's Prayer has six parts to teach us to pray correctly. 

If you're interested in downloading the directions to make the balloon-powered boat, let me know. Enjoy the pictures!


the Lord's Prayer for childrenSample Lesson One from The Prayer of Jesus.


2) Praying Using God Cans

We made God Cans when teaching the Lord's Prayer. Take a can, like an Almond Roca can (or coffee can), and cover it with colored construction paper (or fabric). Then print GOD CAN on white piece of paper and glue to can. Cut a slit in top of lid. Make slips of paper for children to print requests on. We had them write their prayer request at the beginning of class. This gave me time to read it and try and figure out what it said! I prayed for each request in our main session. The credit for this idea goes to Child Evangelism Fellowship. Then I took it a little farther and made a God Did can for the  Praises. We have children ages 4 years through sixth grade. Only 2 children come from a Christian home and those parents are new Christians. Most of our kids are from dysfunctional homes. We averaged about 27-30. My goal after teaching on prayer and showing how to pray, was to put a can in each room and have the children take one request out and pray for it. We will be doing that this year. I also used the ACTS acronym for prayer. I also used the hand idea where each finger represents who you pray for. I taught the Lords Prayer and the kids memorized it.

Bev Tunnel

--from SSTN: the God Can idea was shared several years ago. Click the God Can link to read the touching story of how it came to be!


3) Prayer Calendar

In keeping with today's prayer theme, one of our fellow teachers, Peny White, created a prayer calendar for the new school year. Check it out, below.



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