February 28, 2014 -- Issue #1 - Volume 15


Today's articles are listed, below. When replying, highlight the text that is pertinent to your response, then hit reply. Title your message to reflect the content.

1) Bible Crafts Video
A Faithful Saint / Servant / Teacher
Moses and the Egyptian Plagues
Books of the Bible
Resurrection Visual
6) Update on Sarah's husband, Bob
7) Easter and Lenten Skits






1) Bible Crafts Video

Mark and Becky Bryan are from the USA, but make their home in the province of Carinthia in Austria near Klagenfurt. They have put together an 8 min. 40 sec. presentation of their Bible-lesson-centered craft projects and want to share their ministry ideas with you.
You can view the video directly or download it at:


2) A Faithful Saint / Servant / Teacher

The following three ideas (#3-5) were sent in by, Helen Setser, a longtime friend and partner to SSTN. I'm sure many of you have used her ideas over the years. Helen is a dear saint who has been teaching children about Jesus for a very long time. 

Sadly, I found out a few weeks ago that Helen had to retire from teaching due to health issues. So I asked her to begin thinking of the many ideas she has used over the years, and as she is able, to send them in to SSTN for other teachers to use. Thank you, Helen, for your many, many years of faithful service!

We are blessed to know you!
Sarah Keith <><
P.S. if you want to share your ideas, reply to this email to have them posted for other teachers to use in their ministry.


3) Moses and the Egyptian Plagues

I made a striped robe with a pocket. Inside the pocket was powder and at the appropriate time, I stuck my hand in and covered it with the powder and pulled it out to show leprosy, then put it back and shook off the powder. Along with this I used someone else's idea to make a cloth snake with the "stick" on the one side and snake on the other. With a little searching on the internet the other signs can be found to help visualize the story.


4) Books of the Bible

On sheets of colored paper, varying colors, I wrote the name of each book of the Bible. Using search engine images, I typed the verse I wanted to illustrate for that book. Usually I got several and picked the one I liked and printed it off and cut it out to put in that particular book page.

I had the kids memorize in sections and put those pictures on the wall at their eye level. Examples: Gen.-world creation, Ex. in Egypt, Lev. priesthood or tabernacle, etc. By the time we finished all 66 books, the pictures ran along one long wall and the kids would rehearse by going to them and repeating them.


5) Resurrection Visual

Using a folding board with 3 parts. Place a visual of the resurrection in the center and fold the sides together. On one side have Jesus on the cross and the other the empty tomb. 

This can also be used in other ways using different visuals. 
On another I put Jesus on the cross on one side, a boy and a girl on the other. I made a cloud like balloon with two words--one, Righteousness, the other sin. (This was on a black heart) Explain God's holiness as the Righteous balloon is over Jesus and the sin (black heart) over kids as you point out that all have sinned. Then exchange them to show what happens when we believe in Jesus--He took our sin and gives us His righteousness.

Love in our Lord,




6) Update on Sarah's husband, Bob

Thank you again to everyone who has been praying for my husband, Bob. As you know he fell and sustained a traumatic brain injury over four months ago. He has made considerable progress since my last update, but he has miles to go. He is currently in an acute rehab facility where he is doing three hours of therapy a day, occupational, which is daily living skills, physical therapy, he walked 93 feet just today! And does speech therapy, where they help him to talk and read again. He is able to talk some, but much of his speech is not understandable. It is frustrating for him. His cognition is not 100%. He repeats over and over that nobody cares. It is heartbreaking. He is also having trouble eating, he treats food as if it were poison. However, yesterday he ate some food, today he ate less, but he did get in about 5 bites today.

The prayers and love of God's people sustain my family and me. Please continue to pray healing over Bob's brain and body, and God's peace for him, my children, and me!

Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><



7) Easter and Lenten Skits

Find them listed at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/skits-Easter.html 

Have you written an Easter or Lenten Skit? Send it to

Don't keep it to yourself! Use the link at the bottom of the newsletter to forward it to friends and coworkers.



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