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Issue #21 - May 27, 2008
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

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1) Baby Shower for Jesus?
2) Story Telling Technique
3) Father's Day Song
4) Ten Commandments and a Pear Tree
5) Father's Day Song
6) CIA acronym
7) Daniel and Lion's Den Craft?
8) Communion / Seder
9) Father's Day Song
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1) Baby Shower for Jesus?
I have a need for help and ideas. I am considering having a baby shower for Jesus for our Christmas program this year. The gifts will be donated to charity. What I need are game ideas that can be done in the congregation. I also want the games to teach about the birth of Jesus and his life. Any ideas would be helpful.
--from SSTN: there are several ideas that could be used for a "Jesus"
baby shower in the Ice Breakers Bible games section.
You can find that link at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/page10.html
For those participating, please share your ideas with the network too!
2) Story Telling Technique
your listeners travel with you as you tell the Bible story. To learn how, go to
the Bible Lessons with Special Activities page and click the link to:
"Back In Time With Jesus": http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/sermons.html
3) Father's Day Song
For the lady looking for a father's day song, I think this one is very appropriate and also very cute.
"When I Grow Up"
I don't know where the original version came from or who sang it, but there is a soundtrack available on Daywind.com.
It is one of the kids tracks. Hope this helps.
Amy French
Elkview, WV
--from SSTN: you can purchase the individual song in our bookstore by typing the title, "Daywind When I Grow Up" into the search box at:
4) Ten Commandments and a Pear Tree
I just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed teaching the 10 commandments with your lesson plan. I have put the 10 commandments to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas and will also use your flash card signs when we
perform for our church's anniversary. Maybe someone else could use this method as well. The start of the song goes like this The 10 commandments that God gave to me. The first verse I used went like this Just because he loves me. That took the place of a Partridge and Pear tree you can figure out the rest.
--from SSTN: thank you!
For anyone else who is interested in this series, you can learn more at:
5) Father's Day Song
Hope this will help. Another song - fathers day songs can be found in
God gave me my Dad song to the tune You are my Sunshine
God gave me my Dad, He gave me my Dad
He made my Dad just right for me.
So thank you God 'cause my Dad's just perfect.
My Dad and I are in God's family!
CIA acronym
We use the CIA acronym for our youth helpers at Vacation Bible School. Then we get them a different color shirt or hat or something that identifies them as the CIA.
Andrea Paschal
Dir of Christian Education
First Presbyterian Church
7) Daniel
and Lion's Den Craft?
I am trying to find a craft to go with the bible story of Daniel and the Lion's Den. Can anyone help me?
Kali in New Jersey
SSTN: sure can! Check out the Yummy Devotions crafts section for "Lion
Bites" at:
8) Communion / Seder
There is an organization in St. Louis, Mo. who come to your church and do seders. It is fascinating and the kids sit and pay
attention. (Adults, too)
If anyone would like to contact them, I have an old e-mail address for them
and it may still be good. If not you could google Messianic Center.
They are Christian Jews who tie in the gospel with the seders, too.
Helen Setser
--from SSTN: there's also a wonderful book entitled, "Christ in the
Passover". You can purchase it in our bookstore too at:
(Type the title in the search box to locate it)
On a side note, I've just begun writing a children's curriculum on the Feasts
of the Lord; Passover being the first in the series. I would appreciate your
prayers for God's guidance and creative thought as I move through the project!
I hope to have it available by Winter of 08'.
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
Father's Day Song
A great song that the youth can sing to their Dad's is by Ray Boltz called, "Thank You". This is also a good one to put actions to or even a drama type dance to. It's very effective and anointed.
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include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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