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need the Lord...teach them about Jesus!
Issue #23 - July 7, 2009
where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. ~ Jesus
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this issue of the SSTN Newsletter:
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1) Creativity or is it lying
2) Gadget Garage VBS
3) V.B.S. with few helpers
4) Prayer for Pre-schoolers?
5) Creativity in Teaching
participation makes SSTN a success!
6) Creativity or is it lying
7) Apple Lessons
8) Apple Lessons
9) Creative Storytelling
1) Creativity or is it lying
Being as we are cautioned to not add to or take away from the Bible, I would be
leery of adding on to the story of Joseph. However, I see nothing wrong with telling pre-schoolers how it would make "me" feel if I received a coat like Joseph's or asking them how it would make them feel. You could say "Perhaps Joseph was so excited about his new coat that he was dancing and singing, etc. What would you have done if you received this very special coat?"
2) Gadget Garage VBS
Are you loking for decorating ideas, crafts or what? If you go to Concordias web site they have a face book page for Gadgets Garage.
We made a robot about 10 years ago that is similar to the one they show. Not expensive at all.
3) V.B.S. with few helpers
In reply to V.B.S. with few helpers We have a very small group of children and few
teachers. We have two classes plus a class for our tots on Sunday morning for five
weeks. We rotate four ladies to teach the same class either two or maybe three
times so that each class has the same teacher that many times We have our crafts, finish any classroom work, music and the adults join us for sandwiches after their class on Sunday night. We decorate our rooms along the line of our theme, then add extra things for each lesson .As for supplies, Copy paper is very reasonable and colors are also at the
Dollar Stores. Look around you at home and think about how you can use everyday articles for teaching aides and crafts, you will be
4) Prayer for Pre-schoolers?
I am looking for Ideas to teach preschoolers about prayer. I need 6 lesson plans. If you have any ideas or past lessons about prayer, I'd appreciate hearing about them.
--from SSTN: check out the
ideas at Sunday School Network by typing "prayer" into the search
box on our home page: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com
5) Creativity in Teaching
Saying that Joseph ran and jumped for glee is one thing...he very well may have...however, when I teach, I ask the children many questions and let them also answer them. An example would be "Do you think Joseph was happy or sad when he received his coat? Why do you say that? How would you have acted? Well, he was a young boy, just like you...maybe he acted just like you would act....and, maybe he didn't..... How else might he have acted? and so on....Dianne, AL
6) Creativity or is it lying
> would it be ok to add some details. For example, in telling the joy of Joseph after receiving the coat of many colors,
> can I add something like he went hoping and jumping singing I have the joy joy joy joy down in my
I have a suggestion. Trying to make a Bible story come alive for listeners is great goal. Instead of saying "he went hoping", ect. try saying with enthusiasm; "Can you imagine how Joseph might have felt? How do you feel when you receive a special gift or surprise? (wait for answers) Excited? Thankful? Do you jump up and down? Do a little dance? Do you think maybe Joseph reacted like that too? I imagine he just might have!" When I'm telling a Bible story or trying to bring the text alive for my students (ages 8-12), I try to get them to think what they might have done, thought, said, ect, if they had been the character in that situation. I think it brings people from long ago a little closer to them, and makes it easier for them to apply the lessons God wants to teach us.
Blessings to you and your class.
7) Apple Lessons
One idea I like to use is to cut an apple in half through the middle rather than lengthwise. Inside will be a star. This can be used in telling the Christmas story about the star. Use it also to illustrate a story about the stars God created. It can also be used in a lesson about the Fruit of the Spirit. Hope this Helps, Judy Grace Baptist/Ohio
1st John 4:9 We love him because he first loved us.
8) Apple Lessons
> I am looking for lesson ideas focused around an apple. Does anybody have any?
There's a great song that goes, "Apple-red happiness, popcorn cheerfulness, cinnamon singing inside. Peppermint energy, gumdrop holiday-when you give Christ your life" Then there's a chorus that talks about the benefit of being on Jesus' side.
9) Creative Storytelling
Hi, What a great question. In answering your question I would like you to think about how Jesus used parables when He was making a story clear. He wasn't lying: He was making a point so that His listeners could clearly understand the point. Preschoolers have great imaginations, so instead of telling them that Joseph jumped for Joy, you might ask them how they think they would feel if they had received such a wonderful gift. You might also ask them how they felt when they got a toy they wanted.. You are sure to get some interesting answers.
Joy Joy Joy is a very appropriate song for them to sing. It's obvious that you are aware that we never lie to our class but you aren't changing the Truth. You are making the story more down to their level. As they get older and understand the true significance of the story you will have built a platform for their growth and understanding.
God Bless you and your heart for children.
Judy GBC/Ohio
1st John 4:9 We love him because he first loved us.
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