Issue # 25 -- August 30, 2016

Mission Statement: SundaySchoolNetwork.com brings over 25 years of experience to children's ministry. Our
Bible lesson plans and activities
are designed to lead children to Christ, helping them grow in their faith, so they can proclaim the good news message to the next generation.
In today's newsletter:
1) Devotional: "Dinner," the
2) Memory Trick

1) Devotional: "Dinner," the Rooster
Editor's note: The following devotional was sent
in by longtime subscriber and regular contributor, Emmalea Butler. It's a
glimpse in the life of one of her farm animals, a rooster named, Dinner!
It is laugh-out-loud funny and brings home an important spiritual point. I
hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did!
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
. . . There is a twist to the story of Dinner.
Although we have taken care of him just like his sisters; he was pampered with
a warming light on those cool spring nights and was sung to faithfully every
night as the coop door was secured for their safety. But something didn’t
“take” with him; Dinner was different...
Read on about Dinner,
the Rooster.
2) Memory Trick
Do you know the Ten Commandments? BUT, can you say them in order?
(Confession: Before developing and creating these drawings, I couldn't say
them in order either*!) As teachers and pastors in Christian education, don't
you think this is important to know? By using my memory trick drawings, you will discover that God's Top Ten
Commandments are literally on the tip of your fingers! This is a
helpful memorization technique for kids, parents, and grandparents---at home, school, and church!
Begin by holding up one index finger and say:
#1 - God is #1. Have no other gods.
Hold up two fingers and make them "bow down" and say:
#2 - Don't worship idols.
Hold up three fingers, place over mouth and say:
#3 - Don't misuse God's name.
Repeat three times, then say them again without looking at the drawings. How'd
you do? The next 7 commandments are just as easy to learn, and you will have
them memorized for life!
Available in three different formats!
Our Ten
Commandments' Full-color Poster (18" x
our downloadable Flash
and our downloadable Ten
Commandments' Video.
(For ages 4-Adult.)
Read what others have said about them, see below.
"LOVE the signs! This grew into quite an empowering ministry for kids and adults. My sister and I have taught HUNDREDS of people over the past few years, even in Mexico and El Salvador!"
"These were absolutely amazing! I probably
could have named four of the commandments prior to preparing for this lesson
for our kindergarteners, and now both my daughter and I can go through all
"We used this technique last Fall. When we reviewed them a semester later, the kids remembered every one of them!"
*Ordered according to the traditional Hebrew Bible.
Your donations
and purchases to the
website make this resource possible.

Have you written a children's or teen's ministry resource?
SHARE your great ideas!
Send to: submissions@sundayschoolnetwork.com
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2015 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations Reproducing
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without prior written permission. SSTN has contributors from all
over the world who share their ideas. If you reprint any of the
ideas from SSTN, SundaySchoolNetwork.com or ChristianCrafters.Com in
any medium (websites, magazines, newsletters, etc.), you must
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materials used must also include the submitter's name and where the
ideas were gleaned from. The opinions expressed or advertisements
displayed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by
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