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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus.
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SSTN # 29 - March 25, 2002
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1) Water into wine
-> Jesus Lights Me Up! TM
2) Fundraising ideas / Public Auction
3) Teacher Recruitment Skit
4) Choir songs?
-> W.W.J.S.? Gospel Catchers
5) Strawberry Basket idea
6) St.Patrick's crafts?
7) Teacher longevity
8) Basket Craft Idea
9) Jonah craft
10) Teacher longevity
11) Teacher longevity
12) Basket Ideas
<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><
1) Water into wine
You can also take a paper cup and put one drop of red food coloring in the
bottom. Let it dry and when you pour water into the cup it will be
Rebecca, New York City
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Jesus Lights Me Up!
5 reproducible patterns to cover and decorate single light switch cover
Patterns include: a lion, a lamb, a ladybug, a butterfly, and a whale.
Each pattern comes with accompanying Scripture and object lessons. A
project to accompany your VBS program!
In the Curriculum section:
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2) Fundraising ideas / Public Auction
Our Church just did a Public Auction We had Business donate items e.g.
11x12 room carpeted and installed or 1 month at the gym. We also had
crafters donate homemade item Then the biggest amount of items was used
but good quality items we had about
300 item some were small so we box lot a few.
This project takes planning, Paddle with numbers Lot of signs for day of
Lots of advertisement, papers, local new of events, we even had local
store stuff our flyer in there bags. And Find a professional Auctioneer.
We paid ours $250 but he was well worth it for 4 hours. We used the
school auditorium and set up the night before displaying all the item for
an hour preview. We also did concessions all in all we made $4000 dollars
profit. But for the most part only the committee had a lot of work to do.
The rest was mostly a 1 day event. If you want more detail information you
can e-mail me. Debralee2u@aol.com put Auction fund raiser in Subject or I
will not open the mail.
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3) Teacher Recruitment Skit
Cheryl Croushore, Please email me directly at jon_and_mel@hotmail.com. I
would love to give you more details about our Teacher Recruitment Service.
Thank you for being
willing to help us with a skit.
Melanie Mushaluk
--from SSTN: I'll gladly post it to the site when completed. ;o)) ysic,
sarah <><
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4) Choir songs?
This isn't exactly sunday school related, but it is
kids related, and I hope you can help me. I am our
children's choir leader (ages 7-14) and I was looking
for tapes with the following songs on it:
"Send it On Down"
Part of it goes:
Send it on down, send it on down,
Lord let the Holy Ghost come on down.
"My soul Says Yes"
Part of it goes:
My soul says yes to Lord, My soul says yes to the Lord
For He's a great King, He's doing great things,
My soul says yes, yes, yes to the Lord.
I have been to churches that sang these songs and I
really like them. I know that they probably won't be
on the same tape. I need one with both the chorus and
the verses. I would really appreciate any help you can
give me. Thanks!
1st UPC
Ages 3-9
--from SSTN: choir songs are definitely appropriate discussion material
for SSTN. ;o)) Christian music is SO important to faith-building. ysic,
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W.W.J.S.? Gospel Catchers
There's something much worse than cooties...it's called sin! Now kids can
make Gospel Catchers rather than Cootie Catchers! A fun and innovative way
for kids to learn to share their faith with their friends! Includes 4
Gospel Catcher patterns to make: the Colors of Christ (Gospel Colors), the
Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Promises of God. Follow this
link to learn more:
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5) Strawberry Basket idea
An idea for those strawberry baskets-Moses basket in the river. The
children can weave raffia through the baskets and then either make a baby
Moses out of a wooden body shape with linen cloth ties or fill them with
potpourri and give them as gifts to others.
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St. Patrick's crafts?
Do you have any St. Patrick's crafts? also any work sheets or do you know
any other web site that may have them?
--from SSTN: check out 'Faith Crackers' on this page:
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7) Teacher longevity
> Does anyone have any views on how long a Sunday School teacher should stay
> with a class? We have a couple who want to start teaching
> Middle-Schoolers and stay with the class until they graduate from high
I don't think this is a good aide. We had this happen in our church,
w/family members. They followed their relatives through the grades and
these kids were not able to respond to others in the church. One family left the
church when they did not move on because they did not want any one else to
teach, and we have had teachers pushed out of a job they loved doing.
Re-think outcomes to other people who love serving Christ.
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8) Basket Craft Idea
<<little green baskets you get when you purchase strawberries for craft......
My kids once made me a bird cage out of these baskets. Each child had 2
containers they filled one with some like
Easter grass or twig material or
even foam stuffing (I forget). They had a stick going across as a perch
just poked in the holes of the container. Then a bird( from the craft
store) was attached to inside of the 2nd container at the top so when the 2
containers were flipped on each other it looked like the bird was sitting
the perch inside the cage. To hold the containers together they weaved
pipe cleaner in and out around the seam of the baskets and also made a hanger
the pipe cleaner at the top. I loved it and it really was easy to make. My
kids are 16 and 19 now but I think I still had it up until a year or 2
ago. I
hope I explained it okay.
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9) Jonah craft
I am responding to help out with a Jonah craft. There is a book called
Jonah's Junkyard. ( God's trash to treasure). The children will love it.
My Homeschool
group did an activity with the book. It is an activity where you use
recyclable items,( foil, cups, beans.etc. and copy the artists pictures
and try to make it look like his illustrations. ( sounds confusing, but
when you see the cover you'll
understand)It is perfect and creative for your age
group. Good LUck <>< Stephanie NJ
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10) Teacher longevity
My first thoughts would be to say no, to staying with them throughout the
end of their high school years. Sunday school teachers and Christian
educators are there to lay a certain foundation or to continue to build on
what has already been laid.
However, how does your lesson curriculum address the ages? My high school
youth are with me from Sophomore year till their Sr. year.
Bless Your Spirit!
Rev. Matt Yarbrough, Jr.
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"Get em' in the LOOP!"
L-eading kids to Christ,
O-ffering advice
O-pen discussion forum
P-roviding free resources
Invite your friends, pastors, and coworkers
to join our discussion in SSTN.
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11) Teacher longevity
I think continuity is good for children. Especially younger ones. I
teachers to be willing to stay with a class at least 2 quarters,
preferably 3. As for several years, I think the children will be missing out on
different perspectives and ideas that a variety of teachers would offer.
that teacher has any weaknesses in teaching ability, the children would
maybe have that covered by the next teacher who would be strong in that
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12) Basket Ideas
> i have many of the little green baskets . . .
How about a craft about Paul being let down in a basket from Damascus?
Feeding the 5000 would be another idea.
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