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Issue #31 - July 24, 2008
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Visit our Prayer Board. Scroll to
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

Scroll down
the page to view articles.
1) Curriculum,
Bookstore & Children's Ministry
2) The Mad Scientist Bible Experiments
3) I’m in the Lord’s Army
4) Puppet show short stories and ideas?
5) Superhero VBS
Invite a friend or coworker to join us. Click here!
6) Missions Conference?
7) Construction theme
8) Bullying
9) Bullies
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1) Curriculum, Bookstore & Children's Ministry Resources
I received an email
this week from a subscriber saying she didn't know SSTN provided curriculum or
had a bookstore. I was surprised by that comment, but then thought how many
others might think this too. Therefore, I want to make sure that everyone knows the
links in this newsletter, see above, will take you to our curriculum areas as
well as our affiliate bookstore. The sale of these products make all the free
resources, over 1400 pages, including this newsletter, possible. Most
importantly, our Children's ministry resources have been piloted on real kids
with much success. Won't you take some time today to look through our inventory?
Check it out at: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/Bible-4-life.html
2) The Mad Scientist Bible Experiments
We've added a new section to the site: "MAD
Scientific Object Lessons to Teach Biblical
You can find
The Mad Scientist Bible Experiments
in the Object Lessons & Sermons section.
Follow this link to begin your adventure: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/free_stuff.html
3) I’m in the Lord’s Army
You maybe have this verse (with appropriate actions) already:
I don’t want to fly like Superman,
Climb like Spiderman,
Drive like Batman;
Indiana Jones, he ain’t the kinda man I am -
I’m in the Lord’s army!
Visit www.fullartonchurch.co.uk
4) Puppet show short stories and ideas?
I’m glad to be “connected” to other Christian related resources.
Looking for Puppet show short stories and ideas.
Janice Cole
--from SSTN: we have an entire section devoted to puppets in our skits
Follow the links from the home page to F-R-E-E Stuff, then Skits: http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com
5) Superhero VBS
Hillsong kids praise also has a
“Jesus is my superhero” song
On one of their kids DVD’s.
With karaoke options as well.
Granny D’
--from SSTN: you can purchase this song in our affiliate bookstore at:
Just type the title into the search box to locate it.
6) Missions Conference?
My church is having a Missions Conference in October and the Sunday School children have been invited to do a skit, poem, song or some kind of dramatic presentation based on missions around the world. I would appreciate receiving any ideas for my class, which comprise 7 to 10 year olds.
Eusalene Bruce
7) Construction theme
Our church did a vbs about four or five years ago from Concordia with a construction theme that might have
ideas adaptable to your Sunday school. The central character was "Rick the Brick" and it was a big hit. I
believe we still have some of the materials (contact me if you like at
loonermom@sbcglobal.net) or you
might contact Concordia Publishing.
8) Bullying
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Philippians 4:23
First it depends on the age of the bully.
I currently teach 3 year old (yes even a 3 year old can have bully tendencies) For them I give them a 3 minute time out in the time out chair. My assistant leads the class while I explain the concept of personal space. If it continues, I involve the parents and make them aware of the problem. I have very rarely had to involve parents. We have this as a set standard in all the classes our kids attend. If the child is especially abusive, I inform and involve parents right away. We have an open house for parents before a new class starts and they are informed of how we conduct our classes. I feel one of the main goals of a teacher of 3 year old is to help them adjust to the classroom setting.
I have also taught other age groups. Restricting them from being involved in the fun activities of class often works. One on one counseling is also very helpful.
In one or two instances I have asked the parents to keep the child out of class for one week.
I have found role playing with skits and puppets effective. Seeing the effect of bulling on another child can help them to see how they are hurting others
Getting to know the family situation often gives insight on why the child acts out as a bully.
Most important of all, I ask God for guidance in the correct, loving way to help these kids. Many of them don't have much love in their
lives. I pray that God's house will be a haven for them from the hard times they face every day.
I hope these suggestions help. I know how difficult it is in today's world to discipline other people's children. Judy
9) Bullies
You can search the archives for helpful ideas too. The search link is at the
top of the newsletter.
I used keywords, bully, bullies, and bullying, respectively, to find helpful
ideas in dealing with this problem.
To Continue
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To learn how you can help, go to the following webpage: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/ministry_support.html
Or, write your US check or US Money Order out to:
S.A. Keith - Creative Imaginations (d.b.a.)
Mail to:
438 East
Ilex Drive
Lake Park, FL 33403
(In the memo section of your check write: "SSTN Subscription". Please
include your email address.)
Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><
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please visit the following page at: http://www.SundaySchoolNetwork.com/advertising.html
Posting Guidelines: http://SundaySchoolNetwork.com/SSTN_guidelines.html
Copyright 1997 -
2008 / d.b.a. "S. A. Keith of Creative Imaginations
in any medium, commercial or noncommercial, is strictly prohibited
without prior written permission. SSTN has contributors from all
over the world who share their ideas. If you reprint any of the
ideas from SSTN, SundaySchoolNetwork.com or ChristianCrafters.Com in
any medium (websites, magazines, newsletters, etc.), you must
contact the submitter, and website for reprint permissions. Any
materials used must also include the submitter's name and where the
ideas were gleaned from. The opinions expressed or advertisements
displayed in the SSTN e-Newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by
SundaySchoolNetwork.com or any of its affiliates. SSTN reserves the
right to edit and or exclude information from the SSTN e-Newsletter.
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ChristianTeachersNetwork.com | Sunday-School-Lessons.com | Bible-Lessons.net
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for you! Follow this link to begin posting your prayer requests and
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