4) Tell
Gospel Story with Totem Poles
"But as for
me...I will tell of all your deeds." Psalm 73:28,
"I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be
praised..." Isaiah 63:7
Did you know that totem poles are used to pass along history from generation to generation.
They visually record personal or family stories, they could be used to honor an individual or even to mark a grave site. Totem poles are not used as idols or for worship.
Make a totem pole to:
1) Record a personal testimony
"a day in your life with Jesus,"
2) Tell a Bible story,
3) Draw a Bible Memory Verse.
You'll need: colored pencils, paper, scissors, glue stick and an empty
cardboard paper towel roll to make your totem pole.
Follow this link for another Totem
Pole idea: http://sundayschoolnetwork.com/craft_creation_totem.html
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