2) Intro to Bible?
Hello, My name is Mildred Frink and I am a member of sundayschoolnetwork. I'm starting a bible study for children ages 5-12. I would like some information on
introducing them to the bible, familiarizing them with the purpose of it. Thank you.
--from SSTN: There are two resources that you
will find helpful: The
Great Promises of the Bible, which is an overview from Genesis to
Revelation and the soon-to-be-rerelease of "Bible Stack-O!" You'll
find both listed at:
3) Five-Minute Devotions
My 4 - 5 year olds & I have been enjoying the book "Five-Minute Devotions for Children" by Pamela Kennedy.
Each lesson talks about an animal, some of its skills and how we can use a similar skill to serve God. For example in the Eggs, Polliwogs, and Frogs lesson, the emphasis is that God makes all things grow and change, including people. The accompanying scripture is Luke 2:52, "So Jesus grew both in height and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by al who knew Him."
I borrowed a few pictures from our church directory, so the children could see themselves as they looked a year ago…and how they had changed. Then we talked about Jesus as a child and how he changed. I emphasized that Jesus learned scripture verses and used them as a guide when making decisions…and so can we. The illustrations in the book are wonderful and include simple discussion questions. I also found some photos of real frogs from old Ranger Rick magazines.
Then we played with little plastic flippy frogs that hop when you push on the back tab. My students loved these lessons! Of course, I did have to supplement them with other material, but we had a lot of learning going on and a lot of fun, too. Thanks for all you do to help teachers!
Norene Barker
--from SSTN: you can find "Five Minute
Devotions" in our affiliate bookstore. Just type the title into the bookstore
search box to locate it:
4) Changes in Newsletter?
To who it may concern:
I have not been on the computer for quite some time and there is some changes to your letter? I used to be able to just scroll down and see what is being discussed. But now you have to click on something to get anything? What might that be?
Janie Burton
--from SSTN: HI Janie, When there are
discussion questions and answers they are kept solely in the newsletter.
However, if someone submits an idea that is a stand-alone idea, such as a
craft, sermon, skit, etc. and it requires more space and its own webpage,
we'll post part in the newsletter and the rest in the site. This is done for
several reasons, first, if the newsletter is too long people tend not to
read it. Second, it costs more to run it. Third, we want you to visit our
site, there are hundreds of ideas there as well. And fourth, there haven't
been as many people posting questions and answers as in the past, and
for this I have no answer. Bottom line, SSTN is only successful if members
post their questions, respond to other teacher's questions, and also send in
their ideas. It's a group effort---a network for sharing.
5) Story Scripts?
I am looking for scripts or stories that were originally sold with Scene-O-Felt stories by Munn Art Studio in Hillsdale, MI. My parents were evangelists and children’s workers for more than 50 years. In their legacy to us are many of those stories in scene-o-felt. I would like to have the printed scripts for them, as I’d like to use them with our children and grandchildren.
--from SSTN: If you go to our affiliate bookstore and type in the
following resources, I think you'll find what you're looking for:
"Through the Bible in Felt," or the complete set, "Flannel Board Felt Bible Story Set,"
(it includes the book and all pieces, scenes and characters): http://www.sundayschoolnetwork.com/bookstore.html
6) Question Box Teaching Tool
I have a couple ideas to share. I am getting ready to teach on the book of Judges. Since there were 13 judges, I covered a round box with paper and wrote 13 here and there on it and filled it with Bible questions. Since all my kids have been in church their whole lives, I used questions about Abraham to the settling of the Promised Land so they could get the feel of Judges.
One child (who is sure he/she knows a lot about the Bible) comes to the front and the other kids get to choose a question from the box for her/him.
Another idea: if you want to teach a Bible story and have no visual aids, go through the story in the Bible and write the references to be used in the story. Then Google
(images) each of the references and you will get many pictures to download as flashcards. Or, you can just Google the person's same. Example: Samson. You will get pictures of him in several different settings including Delilah cutting his hair.
In my preparation, I had no pictures of the first four judges. On Google, I got a picture of some of them and then made some from using just a picture of a man and added the necessary item such as an ox goad, donkey jawbone,
etc. I will use these as a preview to Deborah and Barak.
I am not sure all this is clear. If not let me know or change it as you wish.
Love in Christ,
Helen Setser
7) Reply to “HELP! Sunday School is Dying”
Build a bridge, then start a fire! Pray, Pray, Pray for revival! You must start or revive any work for God with a lot of prayer. You need to connect with the class, whatever the age may be. Your group needs to see that what you are saying matches your life or walk the talk. Study, Study, Study to show yourself approved! Also, the lessons need to be relevant to the group, start on their level, but don’t leave them there, just as a fire is fed by wood, feed your flock until they are glowing with the Holy Spirit. Remember, “If you feed them, they will come”…
8) Apathy regarding Sunday School
Apathy regarding Sunday School is a nationwide epidemic! The first thing, of course, would be to make it a priority on the prayer list for your church. Then, each Christian encouraging one more soul to study regularly, would be the next thing to consider. Third, perhaps would be for each teacher to check each lesson to see that it has a "So What"...an application. What can I take from this lesson & apply it to my life, this day, this week. This makes the lesson relevant to the students' daily life. It also helps for students of all ages to have a challenge. If, for example, the lesson is on benevolence, what can each member of the class do, this week to help someone else. Encourage the adults to write down what they have done, just for themselves, so that they don't get busy and forget. Finally, "do not be discouraged in doing good." NBarker
9) J-O-Y Song
Sing to the tune of Jingle Bells.
J-o-y, J-o-y this is what it means
Jesus first
yourself last
others in-between
Learn to make this
Chrismon Snowflake
Two Doves Ornament

What better way to
decorate for Christmas
than by making a Christ Tree?!
10) J-O-Y Song
In response to the request for the music to J-O-Y (Jesus and Others and You): I have the following information:
It may be found in "Salvation Songs for Children" volume 4 on page 73. This is/was published by Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc..
It may also be found in "Footsteps of Faith Melodies" second edition on page 88. This is/was published by The Bible Club Movement, Inc..
--from SSTN: both books may be found in our
affiliate bookstore by typing the titles into the search box at:
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