4) O Christmas Tree
Tree, throughout
History, You have some-
What baffled me. Where did
You come from? Why are you
Here? Why do you occupy houses
At this time of year? Your scent is so
Powerful, lively and clean. Still I wonder,
To myself, what does it all mean? Your shape,
Like a triangle, looking straight on, reminds me
Of the trinity: Father, Spirit, and Son. As I struggle
To make you stable, I realize why your branches point
Straight up - so I will look to the sky! Your needles don’t
Brown, they stay green even in cold, like we will live forever
In heaven and never grow old. Your many lights, as they shine,
Bring a smile to my face, representing God living amongst His human
Race. Our gifts at your base are just another way, we can love one another
And truly celebrate Christmas Day. Thank you for being a symbol to make me
Think and focus again, on that Holy Night so long ago, when our Lord Jesus
Entered in.
Copyright 2010 Piper Johnson Crisafi