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#3 for the "Most Popular Site in Christian Education" (Source: Alexa.com - May
Issue #62 -
October 5, 2007
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where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." --

1) Hawaiian Theme:
Fisher's of Men?
2) Steps of Faith?
3) Sermon Illustrations for Adults?
4) Dry Bones and
Christmas Skit?
Mission Sunday Skit?
6) Respect Lesson?
7) Fall Festival?
8) HOLYween
9) Holiday Help...how
to answer complaints
Dry Bones
This New Testament book stresses salvation by faith alone and not by following customs.

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1) Hawaiian Theme: Fisher's of Men?
Hi Sarah,
First of all I just want to say that I really do love the site, I use it every time
I teach which is once or twice a month. I would like to put a lesson together teaching about us being fisher's of men. I was kind of thinking of doing a
Hawaiian theme. However, I can't seem to think of anything, and I teach kids who range from kindergarten through sixth grade. If anyone has any ideals please let me know.
Kali in NJ
--from SSTN: thank you for your encouraging words, Kali!
Sarah K. <><
2) Steps of Faith?
-- from Amy S
Hi, I'm the one asking for input on Christian patches/badges...thank you so much ! I'm getting so many ideas. I really haven't been able to locate any affordable badges within the US but did find Wordcom out of Canada and may be going with them....We are creating our own criteria for earning badges. To Cherie who mentioned the "Steps of Faith Program" with the shields and badges, that mentoring is a wonderful idea! Can you tell me where you found that program, or did you make it up all by yourself? Thank you,
-- from Brenda
Cherie, you talked about a program with challenges called Steps of Faith that you used for your kids.
Do you have any more information on this program please? It sounds very interesting.
3) Sermon Illustrations for Adults?
Do you know of a book that gives all kinds of illustrations on bringing a message to adults?
SSTN: for those responding, please include the ISBN too.
4) Dry Bones and Christmas Skit?
I am looking at different skits to do for Christmas this year. I feel moved to do one based on The Valley of the Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37, but it is hard for me to see how I can connect it as a Christmas Skit and I don't want to be viewed as strange by doing this subject at Christmas time, where most are doing about the birth of Jesus. We did that last year.
If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them, please. Thank you.
Taneshia A. Samuel
--from SSTN: Taneshia, you'll be happy to know there is a skit in the site
called, "Dry Bones" by Dana Gagnon. I've listed it in the
Featured Resource section at the top of this issue.
Jesus came into the world, piercing the darkness and bringing life to all of
our dead-in-sin, dry bone bodies! Jesus came to give us life. You see, you're
not weird at all! The dry bones story and Christmas fit together
ysic, sarah keith
5) Mission Sunday Skit?
I need a skit for children on Mission Sunday Liturgy on
21st October, 2007.
6) Respect Lesson?
do you have a lesson on respect for age group of four to six years old ?
--from SSTN: make sure you also use the search tool at the top of this issue.
Fall Festival?
I would like more information about the Fall Festival referenced in point #5. We have a Harvest Festival with games and fun activities, but I am wondering what else they have. What do they present which provides opportunities for several people to be saved each time?
8) HOLYween
We have a family gathering each fall to celebrate God's love and bounty. What more appropriate time than the fall? We call our HOLYWEEN and no one would miss it for the world. It is a good opportunity to reach out to unchurched people in the community. We have a
wiener roast, games, just lots of food, fellowship and fun.
9) Holiday Help...how to answer complaints
> Hi - we have a very small church - I run the Sunday School & during the
> school holidays is my only
time off. During the school holidays the kids
> normally watch a DVD, but some parents are complaining about this...
Nicola - I would approach the parents who complain about the DVDs cheerily and tell them something like the following:
"Complaining Parent (fill in name here), I love your idea of doing something more than just watching DVDs with the kids at holidays. I bet you have a million ideas for what we could do instead! Could you find a few other parents with which to partner so we can ditch the DVDs and have something creative instead? I could really use your help - you are such a creative thinker!"
In other words, put them on the spot to help you or stop complaining, but in a pleasant and flattering way. I am the child ministry director for a mid-sized church and find that this almost always stops the complaining because most of the parents don't really want to have to do any of the work themselves! And if you're really lucky you will actually hit on a parent who will jump right in and help you find a solution.
- Dee from Pennsylvania
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