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"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them." -- Jesus

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SSTN # 64 - July 23, 2005

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--> God's Top 10

1) Ten Commandments Song
2) Harsh Discipline in Class
3) Accountability Lesson
4) Family Sunday Service
5) Computer Bible Game
6) Armor of God songs

--> Last Minute Ideas!

7) Trouble speaking in front of adults
8) Fear Factor ideas
9) Watermelon lesson?
10) Toothpick Cross

<>< <>< <>< <>< TODAY'S SSTN POSTINGS: <>< <>< <>< <><

God's Top 10 - Understanding God's Love In The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments contain many "Do Nots". They teach us God’s holy
standard and show us how far we fall short of his perfection. But they are
more than this; in these "Do Nots", one can find a positive message: a
message of God’s love.

Developed by Sarah Keith for Kindergarten to 5th grade.
Click below to learn more (you might need to copy it to your browser):


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1) Ten Commandments Song
I have a copy of a song I use in class and it goes to the tune of "The
Learn the
Ten Commandments.
They're the rules
Which come from God above.
Learn the
Ten Commandments.
They're the rules
Which are the rules of love.
1. God's first, don't serve idols
2. Do not swear;
3. Keep the Sabbath,
4. Show your folks you care;
5. Don't kill.
6. Cheat,
7. Steal
8. Or lie;
9, 10. And don't envy what belongs to
Your friends and neighbors.
Be grateful unto God!

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2) Harsh Discipline in Class

I have to agree with Sarah.  Disciplining a child by hitting them with a
racquetball is just crazy.  I can't believe an adult, much less a
Director would do such a thing.  I think going to the Pastor is a good


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3) Accountability Lesson
There is a great website full of object lessons on every topic you could
For accountability, I would suggest using the Parable of the Talents.  On
the website, they have an object lesson called "The Three Toolboxes" from
Matthew 25.  It is a great lesson about three workers being accountable to
their bosses for work to be done, lining up perfectly with the actual
parable.  It puts the parable in an easy format for kids to grasp.  When I
used it for middle school kids, it had them spellbound.
Good luck!
Elizabeth in Ohio

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4) Family Sunday Service

We will be having a Family Service in September and have invited the
children's church pastor to speak. Parents and kids will attend the
together. Any suggestions on how we can make this meaningful for both the
kids & parents?


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5) Computer Bible Game

i thought you might be interested in a game that i have made for the
computer. the game will read Bible verses as you play. click on the link
below and visit the website to learn more: http://www.biblevs.org
Bryan Irvin

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6) Armor of God songs

We just had a super Saturday VBS at our church and I used the songs "I'm
in the Lord's Army" with all the motions and the children loved it, we
marched around the church to the song.  Also used the song "Joy is the
Flag" and made banners with the words Joy, Peace and Love for them to wave
during the song.  Thanks to Christian Crafters for much of the material
that I used.  In His service, S. LaPort

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--> Last Minute Ideas!

Give our "Easy Make N' Take Projects" a try.

Learn more at: 

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7) Trouble speaking in front of adults

This is sort of a question that has been perplexing me for awhile now, but
it's just starting to get unbearable so I thought I would write in and see
if anyone has any suggestions. I am a member of a very close-knit
preschool ministry team at my church. I am friends with just about
everyone on the team, and we all get along really well, make a wonderful
"small group" within ourselves, and work wonderfully as a team. I have
always had difficulties speaking in front of groups of adults (even if
they are all of my friends), but even so, I do what is in the best
interest of the children in my classroom (a pre-kindergarten class). With
the recent changes in curriculum, our church went to large group worship
time, and the kids from the two, three, and pre-kindergarten classrooms
join together for a worship time. Up until now, I do it when no one else
will, because I know it needs to be done, and that's sort of how I do
things, but there is always an uneasiness when there are other adults,
especially in large numbers in the room. I think a lot of it comes from
the fact that I am one of the youngest teachers on the team (24 years
old), and some of it comes from the fact that the children's ministry
pastor's wife is one of the other teachers. I always get this feeling like
I have to run and hide, or go to the bathroom and throw up, when there are
large groups of adults around. It is sort of like I feel like everyone is
watching me, waiting for me to screw up, or say a word incorrectly, or
some other silly little thing. This, despite the fact that I am very well
respected on the ministry team, I organize the curriculum for each unit,
and many people on the team look to me in troubling situations for advice.
I know I am good at what I do, and I can speak in front of groups of
hundreds of kids (in church or outside of church) without a problem, it's
just when large groups of adults are around, I totally freeze. It wasn't
that big of a deal, until we got the newest curriculum, which we are
starting the beginning of September. It incorporates "shepherds" into the
classroom to work with groups of 6-8 children at a time. This means that
on average there would be 4 or more adults in the classroom at any given
time. I am concerned whether I can even handle that. A lot of it is
probably an emotional/in my head kind of thing, but it is becoming a lot
more then that on Sundays. Last weekend, I had to leave the class during
large group and go rinse my face with some cold water just to keep from
throwing up. The thing is, I don't want to stop teaching, I enjoy it very
much, and I know I am doing a good job, I just don't know how to deal with
this whole thing. It's so funny to, because I can talk non stop in
writing, regardless of who it goes too, but then again, all of you
probably already knew that. LOL. Does anyone have any suggestions that
might make talking in front of large groups  of adults easier? This goes
back to my childhood really, I was the senior in high school who was
willing to drop out of high school to avoid giving my senior presentation
in front of an all adult panel.
Love in Christ,
Sarah in California

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8) Fear Factor ideas?

We are having a camp out at the end of VBS. The lessons for VBS are about
courage, trust, faith, obedience, and love. I would like to play fear
factor during the camp out, but need ideas for the stunts. Thanks.

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9) Watermelon lesson?

I am looking for a lesson about the make up of a watermelon. Involving the
green rind, red inside and seeds. I seem to remember one that I saw, maybe
in Teacher's Swap paper several years back. If you could help me it would
be appreciated.
God Bless

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10) Toothpick Cross

In reply to Jan, it sounds like you are talking about God's Eyes (or Ojos
de Dios), which is a Mexican craft...the children you are going to
minister to probably already know how to make this craft so it will be an
excellent tool to use if you have a language barrier. It is very simple to
make but hard for me to describe so I've included a link. God bless your
Rose, Alabama

--from SSTN: this craft is available at:

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438 East Ilex Drive
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Your webservant,
Sarah Keith <><

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