June 26, 2014 -- Issue #8 - Volume 15


Today's articles are listed, below. When replying, highlight the text that is pertinent to your response, then hit reply. 
Title your message to reflect the content. 

1) Struggling Sunday School . . . Reaching Children

2) Changing Lives Using the Ten Commandments 

3) Clothespin Method: Encouraging Good Behavior

4) Struggling Sunday School . . . Fun Event


1) Struggling Sunday School . . . Reaching Children

It is important to not treat a class of unchurched children the same as those who are churched. I am a children's minister in a church in a low-income area.  Most of our kids are unchurched, either walking or riding our van.  Try to get into their world.  Listen to what they say is going on at school, at home and in the neighborhood.  This will let them know that you care for them.  Make yourselves known.  We have a partnership with our local elementary school to host a book fair in the spring and a back to school bash complete with school supplies, hair cuts, crafts and hot dogs.  We also have a chili supper with carnival games and door prizes in the fall. Make sure you have short, positive rules that are followed-up on.  Be sensitive--some of these kids come from various backgrounds that cause them to "lash-out."  What may look on the surface as just blatant defiance, could have deeper roots: a defense mechanism,. learned behavior, or survival technique.  Talk to the parents/family and get to know them. Even if they don't come to church themselves, let them know that they are your "extended church family" and that you are there to partner with them.  Hope this helps and God bless.
Gary in Missouri


2) Changing Lives Using the Ten Commandments 

I've got another Look n' Learn 10 Commandments story for you. At the Lord's Locker last week, I showed and attempted to teach the 10 commandments to our clients. These were people age 60 and above. All have disabilities of some sort - many with mental illness, mixed with aging. "Mary" is a real challenge when she comes to the pantry. She is usually rude and demanding and pretty much just puts up with the devotion time because she wants our "stuff" and everyone has to wait until devotions are over to get "stuff." In going over the 10 Commandments - we really rung her chimes - in a good way! Mary was so excited. She was convinced she would teach kids at her VBS program. Her whole countenance changed! She was so sweet, patient and kind the rest of her visit! Well Mary came back this week to the Lord's Locker - to get a refresher course! She was agitated because I forgot to bring her a bookmark like I had promised her (I admit - I thought she would forget the whole thing when she walked out with her stuff --- I was bad and did forget). I asked Mary to show me the ones she remembered and we would go over them all again with her. She first was frustrated and held up 1 finger and she began holding her fingers up too! She did it!!! I don't know who was more proud - she or me! Not only did she share them with me - but with another gal that volunteers with me. BUT - she wouldn't leave without me writing them down! LOL - I drew cartoon finger figures - but that was all. She was thrilled. Too funny. Hope she had a good time presenting them to her VBS class! Read more on our home page.

Emmalea Butler

--from SSTN: Thank you, Emmalea, for your faithful witness!


3) Clothespin Method: Encouraging Good Behavior

Read all about it on our home page. Find it listed under F-R-E-E Children's Ministry Ideas at:


4) Struggling Sunday School . . . Planning a Fun Event

> . . . we want to plan a fun event this summer where we can invite the community then make them aware of our intentions to sponsor 
> Sunday School every week for all ages . . . 

Of course you must begin this endeavor with prayer. Knock on doors and invite people to come out. Leave fliers with information about your event. Provide food, music, and family games such as a scavenger hunt, water balloons, Tug O' War, etc. You might want to use some of the Bible games and/or event games found at SundaySchoolNetwork.com. Look under Bible Games from our home page. Also check out The Amazing Parable Race, The Amazing Psalm 23 Race, or Survivor-Temptation Island.





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