The Parables of Jesus - Vol. 2 TM

The word parable comes from the Greek word, parabole, which means a placing beside, or a comparison story to illustrate a deeper moral or spiritual truth. Jesus told comparison stories about everyday life so people would understand the Kingdom of God more clearly.
The Parables of Jesus - Vol. 2 examines six parables that focus on God's Love (The Lost Son), God's Invitation (The Great Banquet), God's Forgiveness (The Money Lender), God's Mercy (The Good Samaritan), God's Warning (The Rich Man & Lazarus), and God's Judgment (The Parable of the Weeds & Net). Through the use of hands-on Bible lessons, crafts and games, children will gain a better understanding of these deeper spiritual truths.
Click the cover to sample a lesson.
Booklet includes: 12 Sessions* (each lesson is divided into two sessions), 6 Christian Crafts, 6 Bible Games, and Song-time suggestions. For kindergarten - 5th grade.
* Lessons are accompanied with a craft, game, memory verse, and song-time suggestions. If you use the lesson, memory verse, song, craft, and game for each session, it will take six, two hour sessions to complete this series. However, if you split each lesson into two sessions (recommended), whereby you present the lesson, memory verse, song, and craft in the first session and the game with lesson review, memory recitation, and song in the next session, it will take twelve, one hour sessions to complete this series.
The Parables of Jesus - Vol. 1
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