The Prayer of JesusTM     2nd Edition

Teaching Kids To Pray Based on the Lord's Prayer

The Lords Prayer Bible Lessons

There is only one prayer that Jesus taught his followers to pray. It doesn't require using fancy speech or certain religious words. There is nothing magical or mysterious about the Lord's Prayer, but it is supernatural! Jesus doesn't say that if you pray this prayer things will go your way or you'll change God's mind regarding the circumstances in your life. No, this prayer, the Lord's Prayer, is a model of how to pray. It teaches us to trust in God and to pray for his will to be done in our lives. (K - 5th grade) Sample Lesson One of the Lord's Prayer.  

Book includes: 12 Sessions* (each lesson is divided into two sessions), Enrichment Activities, 11 Christian Crafts (9 crafts and 2 Yummy Devotions), 10 Bible Games, 2 Skits and Song-time suggestions. The Prayer Wheel pattern is also included.

* Lessons are accompanied with a craft, game, memory verse, and song-time suggestions. If you use the lesson, memory verse, song, craft, and game for each session, it will take six, two hour sessions to complete this series. However, if you split each lesson into two sessions (recommended), whereby you present the lesson, memory verse, song, and craft in the first session and the game with lesson review, memory recitation, and song in the next session, it will take twelve, one hour sessions to complete this series. 

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Don't miss our coordinating Lord's Prayer Bible poster available on our Etsy platform. Display in homes, schools, churches, and Bible clubs.
Lord's Prayer Bible Poster Our Father Wall Art Christian image 3