Choose This Day Whom You Will ServeTM

Choose to Serve Jesus Bible LessonsTeach your kids to choose Jesus! No one apart from Jesus Christ can love God or choose God's way for their lives. Only when we belong to Jesus do we have the freedom to choose God's path for our lives. He provides the supernatural Holy Spirit power to ultimately choose good over evil or righteous living over selfish living. The fact of the matter is our choices reveal our hearts, our character, and whom we serve.  And as we learn what the Bible teaches us, God will guide us to make the right choices: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it'" Isaiah 30:21 (NIV).

Click here to sample "Choose This Day . . ."  Bible Lessons 

This series is intended to teach the children in your ministry the importance of being "in Christ," so they will choose God's path for their lives and not their own path. In choosing God's path, they will be able to say with confidence, "As for me, I will serve God," thereby avoiding many of sin's pitfalls and eventual judgment of living lives apart from Jesus Christ.  Sample an Enrichment Idea.

For Sunday school, mid-week, or Bible Clubs; K - 5th grade. Book includes: 12, one-hour sessions, 9 Christian Crafts, (6 crafts and 3 Yummy Devotions), 7 Bible Games, 4 Skits, Enrichment ideas, T-Shirt design and name tags.  

$12.00 Click here to purchase the e-Book

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Lesson Overview Samples 
Chap. 1 The Choice: Jesus Jesus chose to come to earth to seek and to save those who are lost. There are two pathways in life, the narrow, less traveled way which leads to life, and the wide pathway which leads to death. Choose the Narrow Way. Choose Jesus. 

Chap. 4 Choosing God's Best. Preparing for a special guest. Mary's and Martha's choice. Good vs. better choices. Our priorities. Choose to listen to Jesus. 

Chap. 5 Truth or Consequences. Choose to tell the truth. Choose to share your possessions. Choose good over evil. Choose to conduct your life in a way pleasing to God.  Book includes the Repent & Believe Spinning Top activity.