Shepherd's Rescue

Bible Game

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Coordinates well with our Psalm 23 The Good Shepherd Bible Lessons!

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" Psalm 23:4.

Focus: We don't need to fear, because our Good Shepherd, Jesus, is always with his children, and will guide us safely to our eternal home. (Thy Rod and Staff explained in ONE minute! Watch now.) If you're using the Psalm 23 lessons, review chapter four before playing.

Objective: Children (shepherds) using their staffs (broom or flat bat) gently guide their sheep (pit balls) safely home to their pens (Hoola-hoops). 

What you need: dozens of pit balls, small toy brooms or flat plastic bats, Hoola-hoops, and KIDS!

Set up: Establish a playing area. Place one to two Hoola-hoops the "sheep pens" at opposite ends of the playing area. To make the game more challenging, create an obstacle course in which to maneuver the sheep to get to their pens. You might even use a playground tunnel for kids to crawl through (the Valley of the Shadow of death).

Scatter the pit balls "the sheep" at the center of the playing area. Divide children "the shepherds" into two teams. Teams line up next to their sheep pens on opposite ends of the field. 

How to Play: At the go, the first "shepherd" from each team uses their "staff" to guide one "sheep" to it's "pen." Once the sheep is in the pen, player hands off the staff to the next shepherd on their team*. Play continues like this until all the sheep are in the pens. The team with the most sheep wins. 

*For large groups of children give teams 2-3 "staffs" each so that more shepherds are playing at one time. Those shepherds would then hand off their staffs to the next 2-3 players on their teams.

Please note, this game is not included in our Psalm 23 The Good Shepherd Bible Lessons.

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