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The Lighthouse Bible lessons help children discover how God displayed his glorious presence in Scripture through light and fire. Today, God gives lighthouse power to his children. Through Him we can become spiritual lighthouses in our world and point the way to Jesus, the True Light of the world. Learn more.
Lighthouse Memory Keeper Craft
"Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God" Exodus 20:9-10 (ESV).
Play a game of Freeze Tag. Designate one, two, or three players to be "IT." At the go "IT" chases the other players to tag them and say, "Remember the Sabbath Day." The tagged player must FREEZE in place and respond by saying, "Keep it Holy." The other players may UNFREEZE FROZEN players by tagging them and saying, "Remember the Sabbath Day," with players responding again by saying, "Keep it holy." During play teacher
slowly shouts a count to seven--six days to work, the seventh day to rest. At the count of seven, teacher yells, "Remember the Sabbath Day, with all the kids responding, "Keep it holy." Teacher designates new child or children to be "IT" in the next round of play.
Teach the Ten Commandments to children. Learn more!
Unleash the Power of Storytelling with "Lights, Camera, Action Bible Skits--the Life of Jesus as Told in the Four Gospels"
This unique skit book breathes life into the teachings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, offering an interactive and engaging way to share the life of Jesus with the children in your ministry.
This collection features 25 skits, each accompanied by thought-provoking discussion questions to inspire children to act on their faith. It's not just a book, it's an opportunity to make learning about faith meaningful, fun, and most importantly, unforgettable.
Imagine the excitement, the laughter, and the learning as children immerse themselves in these stories. It's a transformative experience that will leave a lasting impression on their hearts and minds.
Learn more!
My Prayer Journal - Each of the 24 prayer sections contain an inspirational Bible verse from Psalm 119 to meditate upon before praying, a "Prayer Priorities" section to record urgent prayers, a larger section to write prayers for family, friends, and leadership, etc., and a "Gratitude & Praise" section to journal prayers of thanksgiving. When prayers are answered, mark through them with a highlighter pen; it's an encouragement to see God's answers and a motivation to keep praying!
A meaningful gift idea for the important women in your life! Great
for Mother's Day, Bible study teachers, wives, daughters, and
girlfriends. Conveniently sized at 6" x 9", with a minimalist design interior.
Notes - Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."
A 25 week guide for taking Sermon Notes.
Each week there's a place to record the date, title, and speaker, with three pages for note-taking, and an additional page to record a life application and personalized prayer.
Our Sermon Notes
journal promotes active listening, keeps the mind focused on the message, can be used as a home-study reference, and may even
support message retention. This sermon notebook is a great Christian gift idea for Mother's Day, Student gifts, and for Holidays and Holy Days.
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