Produce two prepared "curved shapes" as shown above. These can be made of cardboard or paper and cut to any suitable size. It is more effective to use different colors. You will note that the cards are actually the same size, but if one is held above the other it will appear to be smaller.
On the first card, write the word "Giant" On the second card, write the word *Me" on one side and "Me + God" on the other side.
Hold Card 2, showing "Me" above Card 1, showing "Giant."
Say, "If you compare yourself with your Giant, the Giant will always appear to be bigger, and you will think that you won't be able to defeat it." (Pull the cards apart, and turn card 2 over to show " Me + God".)
Say, "Remember that if you are trusting in Jesus, it is not just you against the Giant, but you plus God against it." (Bring the cards back together again, but this time hold Card 2 below Card 1.)
Say, "No matter how big your Giant is, when you compare it to God, you will always find that God is far bigger, and that He is able to help you defeat it - just like David defeated Goliath."
I usually conclude by repeating the "changing cards" process to emphasize the point.
Copyright 2003 Maurice Sweetsur
This object lesson
would coordinate well with Super Heroes of the Bible.
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